Blue Star Meditation

Toxic Friends… a MEDITATION

June 20, 2022 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 17
Toxic Friends… a MEDITATION
Blue Star Meditation
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Blue Star Meditation
Toxic Friends… a MEDITATION
Jun 20, 2022 Season 1 Episode 17
Realms Beyond

“Do not cast your pearls before swine.” It’s an admonition that requires both discernment and love. For you must discern those in your life who are destructive to your spiritual unfoldment. And you must love them enough to set them free. May this meditation aid in these efforts. 

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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“Do not cast your pearls before swine.” It’s an admonition that requires both discernment and love. For you must discern those in your life who are destructive to your spiritual unfoldment. And you must love them enough to set them free. May this meditation aid in these efforts. 

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Do not cast your pearls before swine.

Most take this proverb to mean that they must be cold and unfeeling. They must shun their “lower” fellows, and associate only with the “higher and “best” sort of crowd, those truly “worthy” of your pearls.

But this is incorrect.

It is a message not of scorn, but of love. 

And it is a message of discernment.

As you grow in your spiritual practice and open your heart to the eternal love and peace the universe offers. As you walk your path on the grand celestial spiral, ever upwards. As your unfoldment reveals the magnificence of your true nature, bit by bit… there are those who will scold you for speaking such fantastical thoughts. They will wish to hold you back, to keep you where they are. Though they know it not, they are afraid and it is their fear that motivates their derision. Perhaps a touch of jealousy, too, as your light begins to shine brighter and brighter.

Do not chide them for their folly. 

Love them. 

For you were once where they are. They are on but a different rung of the spiral ladder. Perhaps they are below you. For there are many multitudes who have not yet reached your level of unfoldment. But perhaps, also, they are above you. On a path you’re not yet meant to understand. It matters not. Where you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be. 

Walk your path with love, one step at a time.

As for the abrasive ones in your life… the wolves in sheep’s clothing…

Love them. And set them loose to walk their own path.

Your pearls may fall before them no longer. 

You will no longer allow it.

But… if you bear a grudge against them, for holding you back, for the time they “wasted” in your life, for the audacity of not living up to your expectations of them, then your pearls are cast before them still. 

Set them free, dear one, and you set yourself free. Do this without judgement, though you judge. Do it without going to war, though you fight. 

This “discernment” is an entryway to forgiveness and peace. 

Keep your own council. Ask within for the answers you seek.

Live each day as best you can, walking the path set before you. And let others live as best they can, walking the path before them. 

Though you are, in and of yourself, wholly complete and competent to follow your spiral road through eternity, you need not walk your path alone on this earth plane.

You will know, you will always know… your true spiritual companions when you meet. They may walk with you briefly, or for the rest of time. 

If you find discernment elusive… if you cannot tell which of your life’s companions are adding to your light and which are dimming your brilliance, try this simple technique: 

Go to a quiet place. Your bedroom, or a park, or the desert, or a mountain trail. Be still. Calm. And call the person in question to your mind. See them standing simply in a void, a bluish-black infinite space. And ask yourself… ask of the silence within you… “does this person serve my highest good?”

The answer will arrive in that instant. And it will echo in the silence within you. Listen well for the voice, YOUR voice within. It may not come in a spoken form. Rather, it may dawn on you as just… a knowing of the truth. But it will be there. 

If the answer is yes. Smile. You will visit your companion again soon with love in your heart.

If the answer is no. Also, smile. And, again, with love in your heart, thank your companion for the role they have played in your life. Inform them, silently, that you release them from any hold or expectation you had placed on them. Your contract with them has concluded. Wish them well to walk their own path, which is no longer tethered to yours. Then let their image fade from your mind.

Repeat this technique as often as needed. Your discernment will improve over time - your ability to listen to the silence within you, where all the answers reside.

Do not cast your pearls before swine, dear one. But walk your path… with confidence… and humility… and joy.