Blue Star Meditation


July 01, 2022 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 20
Blue Star Meditation
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Blue Star Meditation
Jul 01, 2022 Season 1 Episode 20
Realms Beyond

All spiritual paths lead to God. But sometimes the road to the Almighty is blurry and hard to see. May this meditation bring your way to union with the Absolute into sharper focus.

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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All spiritual paths lead to God. But sometimes the road to the Almighty is blurry and hard to see. May this meditation bring your way to union with the Absolute into sharper focus.

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Loving God does not mean assuming an unnatural mode of life in order to please the Deity. Dear one, as you seek higher spiritual paths, you must allow yourself to lead a perfectly natural life, entering into all the occupations, recreations and pleasures that you may see fit. Be free to choose, and neither force yourself into things, nor away from them. Do not imagine that a stern, serious expression is more pleasing to God than a smiling, cheerful face. Just be natural that's all. Those who feel the love of God flowing through them, are apt to be of a happy, cheerful disposition - radiating sunshine everywhere. You need not be afraid to laugh, and sing, and dance, if you feels like it, for these things are all good if we use them and do not let them use us. Let us enjoy the sun, the rain, the heat, the cold. Let us delight in the plain, the mountain, the sunrise, the sunset. Let us enjoy to the full the things of Nature. The closer we get to God, the closer do we enjoy the things of Nature. Let us lead the natural, simple life. Let us make the best of everything, and turn everything to good account. Let us be sunny - let us be sweet. Let the keynote of our life be "Joy, joy, joy!"

The true lover of God is an optimist. They look for - and find - the bright side of things. They are able to extract sunshine from the darkest corner. They walk through life with a smile, a cheerful song, an abiding faith in the Absolute. They love all of Life, and carry a message of hope, and courage, and a helpful suggestion to all. They are broad and tolerant - merciful and forgiving - devoid of hate, envy, and malice - free from fear and worry. They mind their own business, and grant to everyone the same privilege. They are full of Love, and radiate it to all the world. They go through life in their own sunny way, joyfully meeting things that drive others to despair and misery - they pass over the stony road unharmed.

Their peace comes from within - and all who meet them feel their presence. They do not seek after friends or love, these things come to them as their right, for they attracts them. They are as much at home in the tenement of the laborer as in the palace of the wealthy - both places seem as home to them, and their occupants on a level, kin to both saint and sinner are they, and they love them both - for they feel that each is doing their best. They look for good in the sinner, rather than for sin in the saint. They know that they themself are not without sin, so they cast not the stone. The outcast recognizes in them a friend, those who have passed through the fiery furnace trust them and are not afraid, for their understanding is evident. They, being near the sun, know that it shines on saint and sinner - they feel that: when God withholds his sunbeams from his most disobedient child, then may humanity withhold its love from the most degraded sister or brother. They do not condemn - they do not attempt to usurp God's prerogative. They work… and work well. They find joy in their work. They like to create things - and are proud of that desire for they feel that it is an inheritance from the One, the ALL. They do not hurry, nor are they rushed. They have plenty of time - all the time there is - for eternity lasts a long time, and they are in it now.

They have an abiding faith in the Absolute. They believe in Infinite Justice and Ultimate Good. They know that the Father is near them, for they have felt the comforting pressure of the Unseen Hand. In the darkness of the night they have felt the presence of the All-Loving; by the glare of the flash of illumination they have seen the form of magnificence for a moment, and that memory is burned into their mind. They are simple, loving, kind. They are a prophecy of the future. If you would be like them - if you feel the call do not resist, but answer cheerfully, “I hear; I obey ; I come.”

When you feel the impulse, do not resist - open yourself to the Sun - receive its rays - and all will be well. Be not afraid - have within you the love that casts out fear - place your hand in that of the Absolute, and say: “Lead on. I will follow.” After long ages of wandering, you are coming home.