Blue Star Meditation

The Spiritual Path… a MEDITATION

July 02, 2022 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 21

What does it mean to walk the spiritual path? To love God? May this brief Hindu fable illuminate the way.

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Walking the spiritual path is viewed by some as luxury and by others as a necessity. Both camps, however, see the path itself as soft and verdant, with no rocks to trip upon, no brambles to cut your flesh, and no hills to test your endurance. In short, they view the spiritual path, the path of Attainment, the path to God, as a comforting, easy road. 

Nothing could be further from the truth. 

To illustrate our meaning, we offer this brief lesson on the very first step on the path: loving God. Loving that which is the All. Loving the Absolute. Perhaps you think that you do love God, now - do know how to love Him. Listen to this Hindu fable, and then see if you do. For the path… begins here.

The fable runs thus:

Once upon a time a chela (a student) came to a Yogi guru (a teacher) and asked to be taught the higher stages of Para-Bhakti (devotion to God). He said that he did not need the preliminary stages, as he already knew how to love God. The Yogi merely smiled at the youth. He came again and again, making the same demand, and receiving the same answer. At last he became very impatient, and insisted upon an explanation of the Yogi’s conduct. Then the Yogi took the youth to a great river, and leading him out into it, he plunged him beneath the water, and firmly held him there. The young man fought and struggled, but could not raise his head above the surface. At last the Yogi raised him out of the water, and asked him: “Son, what did'st thou desire most when under the water?” “A breath of air,” replied the youth, gaspingly. “Yea, verily,” said the Yogi,"when thou desirest God as much as thou didst desire the breath of air, then wilt thou be ready for the higher stage of Bhakti - then indeed wilt thou love God.”

Peace be to you!