Blue Star Meditation

Healing SLEEP

July 09, 2022 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 23
Healing SLEEP
Blue Star Meditation
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Blue Star Meditation
Healing SLEEP
Jul 09, 2022 Season 1 Episode 23
Realms Beyond

Eliminate your anxiety and racing thoughts. Prepare your mind and body for a deep, relaxing sleep. With this short, healing, guided meditation, in just 9 minutes, you will be be ready for sleep - with calm, peace, and joy in your heart.

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Eliminate your anxiety and racing thoughts. Prepare your mind and body for a deep, relaxing sleep. With this short, healing, guided meditation, in just 9 minutes, you will be be ready for sleep - with calm, peace, and joy in your heart.

Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Rest your head, dear one, and give your body a little wiggle to shake off the excess tension. Find a position that is comfortable, but open, so that your chest may expand as your breath carries you away to sleep. Breathe deep, but breathe easy. In through your nose… then holding for a moment as you body performs its chemical, electric miracle… then, slowly, out through your mouth, perhaps on the letter f, “ffffff…” or, with your lips pursed in a silent whistle. 

On your next breath, as you breathe in through your nose, imagine your body is surrounded by a cloud of blue, or pink, or golden light. Whatever color comes to mind and brings you comfort. The light is misty, a cooling vapor, and when you breathe in the air, the light enters you as well, from everywhere, through everywhere, through all the cells of your body. 

Keep the same easy, natural rhythm; there’s no need to work at this. With each breath, see the light absorb into your skin, so that the sensation when you breathe is one of breathing with your entire body - through your chest, your back… through the bottoms of your feet, the palms of your hands. Through every bone in your body. All of you… breathes.

And just as your lungs take what they need with each breath in, and expel what is of no use anymore with each breath out, so, too, does you body, embrace the calm, cleansing, healing energy of the light… with each breath in… and exorcise with each breath out the tension, the hangers-on of lost spirits clinging to you for strength, the remnants of past trauma you no longer need to carry.

It is this release of the psychic flotsam of the earth, that frees your body for deep… sleep. The shedding of these spiritual shipwrecks may have occurred many times before, as you slept, or as you exercised, or each time you rebuffed your ego and pursued a path of kindness. But, with each purge the removal becomes easier, for both the new visitors and the old who have returned. You know that the Universe will take care of what you shed and send off. No single bit of karmic wreckage, no wandering, frightened spirit ever need fear departing the safe harbor that is your body. 

As you continue to breathe, exchanging the lost children of the universe, with the peaceful, quiet joy of the Absolute, which is the essence of the light, the chatter in your mind becomes quiet, a whisper, and your sense of connection, of oneness with the Ground of All Being grows. For you, dear one, are part of the all. This light you see, these breathes you take, all of it is part of the all. And you are suspended within it, tenderly wrapped in a cocoon of infinite love. This sleep is but a temporary chrysalis, and you awake from this and every slumber… transformed. 

As with the butterfly, who emerges from its shell exactly where it is supposed to be, and from that starting point, spreads its wings to go off and beautify the world, so will you emerge from your sleep, exactly where you are supposed to be, and go forth to shine your light upon the world.

You have no fear, because each day you do the best you know how to do, given your level of knowledge and unfoldment. Each day you progress. Each day, in myriad ways you know not, you serve your ultimate good. Each day you add to the glory of this earth plane in limitless ways. And each day you advance further along the path, ever upwards towards union with the One, with the Source of All, with Infinite Love itself.