Blue Star Meditation

Politics in Perspective… a MEDITATION

November 06, 2022 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 27
Politics in Perspective… a MEDITATION
Blue Star Meditation
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Blue Star Meditation
Politics in Perspective… a MEDITATION
Nov 06, 2022 Season 1 Episode 27
Realms Beyond

Three political truths: It doesn’t have to be this way. You can always change. You can always make things better.

🎧 Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Three political truths: It doesn’t have to be this way. You can always change. You can always make things better.

🎧 Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can always change. 

You can always make things better.

There are those who believe that the earth has suffered a sort of spiritual abandonment in recent years. That our helpers, our angels, our spirit guides, or whatever you wish to call them, have left us, left the earth, and fled to other worlds where guidance and hope and salvation are still possible.

It is thought that since ever, more and more, we have turned away from our heavenly guardians, and relied not on the gentle intuition of the spirit, but rather on the hammering directives of the ego, they, in turn, have turned away from us.

As the theory goes, our spiritual caretakers see the writing on the wall, which portends that the political structures of the earth, like the walls of ancient Jericho, will soon crumble and fall, after which, a swift and total destruction will follow. Armageddon. 

Dark, huh?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can always change. 

You can always make things better.

Dear one, you are never alone. You have not been, nor will you ever be, abandoned.

Your guides, your helpers, your angels… are here, now, with you in every moment of this earth life. When you close your eyes and become quiet and just… breathe, you can hear them… see them, even. So close. Your companions. They were with you  centuries before your birth, they are with you now, and will be with you still long after this earth has, finally, faded into dust.

For yes, the earth, in due course, will crumble and fall and fade into the eons of time.

It matters not. 

For there are other worlds and other planes of existence and realms of consciousness beyond the faintest inkling of your understanding in your current form.

What matters, what is of vital importance, is now. And you, now, can only do the best you can, in every moment, given your current level of unfoldment. The earth herself, your country, the town you live in, likewise, can only do the best it can, in every political moment, given its collective level of unfoldment.

You are here for a reason. In this time. Now.

Be in this moment. Breathe. Do what you can. Breathe. You will not be alone.

You may doubt your country’s political direction. You may fear societal demise. You may ready for war.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

You can always change. 

You can always make things better.

You may gaze at the bright promise of your country’s future. You may stand in awe of humanity’s potential. You may bask in a lasting peace.

It can be this way.

You can change. 

You can make things better.

Do what you can, with love in your heart, and raise yourself high, so that you may elevate the collective consciousness of the world.

As you do, call on the strength of your helpers… to guide your steps, ever upward along the path, to a future of unimaginable beauty, peace, and joy.