Blue Star Meditation


November 26, 2022 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 28
Blue Star Meditation
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Blue Star Meditation
Nov 26, 2022 Season 1 Episode 28
Realms Beyond

Is it your karma is to be rich? What is the debt you owe this life? How can you eliminate the blocks that stand between you and unimaginable wealth? Allow this brief mediation to open your heart and point the way to possibilities of prosperity and fortune - such stuff as dreams are made on.

🎧 Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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Is it your karma is to be rich? What is the debt you owe this life? How can you eliminate the blocks that stand between you and unimaginable wealth? Allow this brief mediation to open your heart and point the way to possibilities of prosperity and fortune - such stuff as dreams are made on.

🎧 Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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You need money. 

That’s not just a simple fact of life, it’s an imperative. A command from on high. Well, maybe not that… high.

Regardless of from where this decree originates, the reality remains: on this earth plane, your life, the lives of your loved ones, your very survival, depends on you’re ability to earn.

Huh… no wonder you’re stressed. We know.

The bible says, “by the sweat of your brow shall you eat your food until you return to the ground… for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” [Genesis 3:19]

This, believe it or not, is a description… of karma. That is, it is simply what you’re here to do.

And in the history of the world, in the history of all worlds, Karma is undefeated. 

Despite what you may have heard in popular culture, karma has nothing - whatsoever - to do with *divine* revenge. Divinity has better things to do with its time.

Karma is… “the sweat of your brow” as that chapter in Genesis suggests. But it is also a kiss in the rain. Karma is a marriage. And it is a divorce. It is the writing of a thank you note to a loved one for an act of kindness. It is the rude remark you make to an inconsiderate stranger. It is joy and regret and pain and euphoria. It is, what you are here to do. It is the debt you owe to this life. In short, karma is the work of living.

Emerson says, “every man is a consumer, and ought to be a producer. He fails to make his place good in the world, unless he not only pays his debt, but also adds something to the common wealth. Nor can he do justice to his genius, without… making some larger demand on the world than a bare subsistence. He is… by constitution… expensive, and needs to be rich.” [Wealth, by Ralph Waldo Emerson]

Do you need to be rich? Is it your karma to amass a fortune? Is it what you’re here to do? The desire for wealth is overwhelming at times, is it not?

Emerson, again, says that, “Nature thunders… that each man should feed himself,” that, “he must go to work…” Nature “starves, taunts, and torments [man], takes away warmth, laughter, sleep, friends, and daylight, until… he has fought his way to his own loaf.”

“Man was born to be rich.”

“Money is representative, and follows the nature and fortunes of the owner.”

“A dollar is not value, but representative of value…”

“Wealth is mental… moral… [and]… goes on increasing in value with all the genius, and… virtue of the world.”


Wealth, according to Emerson, is not merely a state of mind that must be cultivated, it is an obedience to the fundamental, spiritual order of this earth plane on which you find yourself. 

So, yes… becoming rich… *is* what you are here to do. It is your karma.

“Rich” may be variously defined. Precise dollar amounts do not concern us. That we leave to you. What is paramount is only that you do what you’re here to do every day. And if possible, do it with joy.

Embrace your karma. 

Embrace the mundane and the tedious tasks of earning and building wealth. Embrace the risks and the thrills. Embrace the unpredictability of the life you chose to live. This adventure, here, now, wholly of your design. The design of your higher self.

Embracing your karma is how you kill out desire from your life. It is how you shed “want” and “wish” and “if only.”

Do not *desire* after money. Work for money. Do not *want* to be wealthy. Act as a wealthy person does. Do not *wish*, earn. Do not say “if only,” for, dear one, ever the beat of your heart must be now, now, now.

The intellect… the creativity… necessary for the creation of wealth flows only from this moment. Be in this moment. Always. Here. Now. Where your karma is fully and beautifully expressed.

You are on the path. Walk the path. As best you can. One step at a time.

The bible says, “love of money is the root of all evil.”

So, love it not. Desire it not. Release from you heart any fear of the lack of it. These thoughts imprison you in your history, and weigh heavy on your soul.

Be light in your thoughts. Produce joy into the world. 

Desire nothing. Embrace now. Do what you’re here to do. And the abundance of eternity will be yours.