Blue Star Meditation

A World Without Guilt?

September 18, 2023 Realms Beyond Season 1 Episode 35

What if right and wrong were not absolutes? What if being accountable did not require being guilty, and being responsible came without the shame that you “should” be doing more. What if the universe, with every act, with every event, with every circumstance, always lifted us up towards an ever higher spiritual plane. May this meditation point to a moral reality you always knew was there just beneath the surface.

🎧 Music: “Drifting at 432 Hz” by Unicorn Heads

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You have been taught to judge yourself, 

It’s a lesson based entirely on guilt.

You have allowed others — 

parents, family, friends, social media, church, society, 

to control your thoughts, your life. 

And, that is as it should be, 

for that is what you wrote into your life drama. 

Now… the time has arrived

Act II, Scene 3

Break free of this archaic teaching. 

You cannot live any longer based on 

what others’ conceive of as right and wrong. 

For, no one knows what is "right" or "wrong"; 

an interpretation wholly particular to each individual. 

Indeed, meaning is inside people; 

meaning is not in words; 

So what is right for another is wrong for you; 

conversely, what is wrong for another is right for you. 

Each of us is on our own rung of the spiral 

and one CANNOT judge right or wrong for another; 

one only can strive to sense the resonance of truth 

as it appears in your own soul 

and to step-stone that truth 

as you mount ever higher toward union.

Not one of the people whom you feel you have hurt 

has ANY power over you 



Perhaps you are comfortable in your ‘guilt’; 

it is a familiar companion; 

and you are afraid to move beyond it. 


Will God strike you dead if you dare to think 

that a beneficent God LOVES instead of punishes? 

Will some preacher condemn you to hell 

if you dare to think that, just maybe, 

you have done nothing "wrong," 

merely played your part in this grand drama? 

Perhaps you merely acted… you are acting… 

the life drama scene with others 

that you were supposed to act, 

exactly as it was… as it is… to occur, 

exactly as all of the people in your life…

this lifetime… wrote it, 

for the ultimate GOOD of all involved.

Who are you to judge 

whether you acted rightly or wrongly. 

You cannot and will not consciously know 

what is “for the best” in this lifetime. 

The best you can do is to say this, daily:

Let my actions and words be what others need 

to see, feel, and hear from me. 

Let me forgive myself for real or imagined wrongs 

from this or past lifetimes; 

let me know that I am following the life script 

co-written, AS A GROUP EFFORT, 


both ‘friends and enemies.’ 

Let me not judge them, or myself. 

Let me forgive them, and myself. 

Let understanding enter my essence, as it will, 

once I stop this unnecessary self-punishment

according to my learned behaviors. 

Let me instill in myself the truth:

that I have done nothing wrong, 

for I do not know if my actions are 

for my own karmic debt-leveling 

or if I am providing an opportunity for others 

to forgive me and learn forgiveness themselves 

for wrongs committed against me in another lifetime.

We are so interconnected, 

how can we judge one another or ourselves? 

We must go about our lives each day, 

doing the best we know how to do 

considering the level of our unfoldment. 

Should we want to "do better," or unfold more so, 

we must study, quietly, fearlessly, 

letting new thoughts enter 

if they resonate with us 

and fearing not 

to jettison old, outworn control-based beliefs. 

God will not punish us if we begin to use 

our magnificent brains as they were so meant. 

"Unlearn" is a magic word; 

"release" is its wand.

You must create a habit of forgiveness. 

Sit quietly, focus on a sunbeam, 

and say, aloud or in your mind, 

"I forgive myself for any actions or words 

that might have offended my fellow humans. 

I don’t know if *I* offended 

or if I was the recipient of offense; 

regardless, I send kind and peaceful thoughts 

to all in my sphere of influence, 

including and especially myself." 

Whether or not one feels, really, truly feels, 

that forgiveness is effected makes no difference. 

What is important is to train the memory cells 

to use the word "forgive" 

and to implant that word in the place of the word “guilt."

to implant the feeling of forgiveness 

in the place of the feeling of “guilt."

In time, you will begin to feel relief 

as the subtle warmth of forgiveness 

enters your essence directly from your soul. 

Indeed, frequently practicing this exercise 

will create a habit, and, soon, 

the pain, fear, anger, guilt will subside 

and real forgiveness will enter; 

understanding will enter,

as you sense that, truly, 

there is no need to punish anyone, 

for no one knows who did what to whom 

or when or why.

We must live in kindness to the best of our ability, 

and endeavor not to withhold love 

from ourselves or others 

but to send it forth always.

It is not enough, however, 

to simply think the words “I love myself." 

You must really, truly, love your own perfect self, 

that beautiful soul that incarnated here on this plane 

to attend earth-school, 

to learn the lessons of loving yourself 

and of sending love to others, 

of judging not and forgiving those who dare to judge. 

You ARE learning the lessons; 

be confident and believe that; 

and know, always, that we are here to guide you, 

that there are multitudes at your beck and call

for guidance, for comfort, for whispers of wisdom.

You are never alone.

You have done nothing "wrong." 

You have done only “right,” 

for you have followed to the letter 

the life-script you have written.

Now, take your place…

Act II, Scene 3 begins.

Center Stage awaits.

Emerge from the wings…

Walk gently… daily…

into your ocean… of light.